Tina’s research specialises  in migration and inclusion policies, identity politics, and how categories of inclusion and exclusion are created and maintained across different settings in a comparative perspective. She holds a PhD in Human Rights from the University of Deusto, where she focused on Roma integration frameworks in Southern Europe questioning the political dynamics that drive the framing of certain minorities as “in need to integrate.” Prior to joining the CAS, she conducted research on religious, ethnic, and migrant minorities at the European University Institute (Florence, Italy) as well as for a number of NGOs, the European Commission, the Council of Europe, and UNESCO.

Within the Romani Atlantic project, Tina will be deeply involved in research activities, especially in Portugal and particularly those pertaining to relational racialisation. Her work will aim to provide a greater understanding of how categories of belonging (importantly but not exclusively ethnic ones) affect the ability of minorities to position themselves vis-à-vis other minorities and to make their voices heard and claim rights, as well as the conditions under which they choose either to cooperate or compete.