15. 1. 2024

Ma(r)king solidarity boundaries towards migrants: Individual, local and transnational experiences

Desille, Amandine and Tina Magazzini (editors). 2023. “Ma(r)king solidarity boundaries towards migrants: Individual, local and transnational experiences”, special issue of Partecipazione e Conflitto (PACO): Vol. 16, No. 3,

The core idea for this Special Issue, published in open access, is to reflect upon the dynamics of participation both by individuals and by groups acting in solidarity with migrants in different contexts at the subnational level. By bringing together a rich and diverse range of empirical cases, the dossier explores how acts of solidarity can be understood in different contexts, how different players practice it, and towards whom.

Tina, jointly with Amandine, co-authored an article that maps the trajectory of the concept of solidarity and centres the role of the actors or ‘makers’ of solidarity, as well as the positionality of scholars engaged in this type of research.

The whole Special Issue can be accessed in OA here:

The article by Tina Magazzini and Amandine Desille can be accessed here: